Why M&A Isn’t About the Numbers

September 6, 2022
| Podcast & Radio

Chris Parisi discusses the ins and outs of the mergers and acquisitions market with Patrick Stroth, host of the M&A Masters Podcast. The discussion focuses on the changing industry dynamics and how Carl Marks Advisors collaborates with clients to maximize mid-market business outcomes. As the past few years have shown, M&A is never just about chasing numbers; rather, it is about the people you trust with your business.

As part of a nearly 100-year-old family-owned business, Carl Marks Advisors is an investment bank combining Wall Street expertise with the “street smarts” of Partners that have owned, operated and sold their own businesses. Chris highlights that the best thing CMA offers clients is the dedicated, intimate relationship our teams bring throughout the entire process.


Listen to the episode below:

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