Cal Dive International

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Chief Restructuring Officer

Houston, TX

Cal Dive International provides essential marine contracting services in support of oil and natural gas infrastructure throughout the production life cycle, including infrastructure installation, production well mediation, and decommissioning and salvaging.

Following its bankruptcy filing, the Cal Dive secured a $120 million DIP facility ($20.2 million in new money, $99.8 million roll-up) from Senior Secured Lenders. Carl Marks Advisors (CMA) was engaged as CRO and investment banker, replacing the prior financial advisor.

CMA reviewed the financial projections to present both a “hunker down” plan to the DIP/first lien lenders and a going concern model to potential strategic and financial bidders. They also assessed and advised the Company on key restructuring initiatives, including managing the DIP loan to remain within the $120 million limit, making payments to vendors, creditors, and professionals, and implementing cost reductions and workforce reductions.

Additionally, CMA facilitated the sale of individual vessels to reduce the DIP balance and sourced and negotiated with potential bidders interested in acquiring the going concern business or specific regions. They managed the monthly DIP budget forecast and 13-week cash forecast, ensuring financial oversight throughout the process. Ultimately, CMA successfully auctioned both the going concern business and the vessel fleet.

Key Challenges
Oil Industry Cyclical Downturn
Low Liquidity
Tight DIP Budget
Depressed Asset Values
Operational Wind-down

Engagement Highlights

  • Vetted the financial projections used for presenting a “hunker down” plan to the DIP/first lien lenders as well as a going concern business model for potential strategic/financial bidders.
  • CMA assessed and advised CDI on the following restructuring initiatives:
    • Managing the DIP loan to not exceed $120 million as well as payments to vendors, creditors and professionals. 
    • The sale of individual vessels to pay down the DIP.
    • Sourcing and negotiating with potential bidders for going concern business and/or particular regions of interest.
    • Implementing cost reductions and RIFs.
  • Managed the monthly DIP budget forecast and 13-week cash forecast. 
  • Successfully auctioned the going concern business and the vessel fleet.

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